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"Quaerite primum regnum iustitiam"
"Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness"
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Vatican Vatican News FABC UCA News CBCM CRCM NCMS Yangon Archdiocese Pathein Diocese Mawlamying Diocese Pyay Diocese Mandalay Archdiocese Hakha Diocese Lashio Diocese Banmaw Diocese Kalay Diocese Myitkyina Diocese Taungyi Archdiocese Phakon Diocese Loikaw Diocese Taungngu Diocese Kengtung Diocese
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Alam Wudang Bum
Date of Establishment: 1983
Address: Alam Wudang Bum, Alam Village, Myitkyina, Myanmar

  Alam Wudang Bum     

Alam Wudang Bum is a Christian Catholic religious monument and major pilgrimage site in located in Myitkyina district, Kachin State, Myanmar.

Known in English as the “Holy Cross Mountain”, the shrine of Alam Wudang Bum can be accessed by road on foot, motorbike or car. The land is currently maintained by the Catholic Diocese of Myitkyina.

Situated west of the Jingpo village of Alam, the hilltop shrine is about 24 kilometers north of downtown Myitkyina. At the base of the mountain on the grounds of Alam Wudang Bum is a bamboo church, visitation center, and a grotto.

A festival feast is held atop Alam Wudang Bum every September 14, a highly important date for visitors to the shrine.

Most literature about the Holy Cross Mountain is written in Burmese or Kachin language and is not officially available in English. Despite this supposed obscurity, many Irish missionaries have visited the shrine, and its existence is well-known to thousands of residents in Kachin State, according to Francis Daw Tang (Emeritus), Bishop of Myitkyina Diocese.

Originally created in 1983, the Holy Cross Mountain was founded by a Kachin priest who petitioned the diocese for the creation of a pilgrimage site for Catholics atop the mountain in Alam.

On year later, in 1984, construction of the shrine officically began. Using only hand tools, a jeep from Beijing and limited manpower, the shrine was affixed with a large wooden cross, which stands to this day and is the subject of a number of local legends and the source of purported miracles.

According to claimed documents submitted to Kachin State's land registry in 2015, the official elevation of the site is 2,800 ft.

The road, which snakes up the slope of the mountain, was expanded between the years 1994 and 1995. In 2005, the diocese requested alms to be solicited so heavy equipment could be rented to widen the road to accoommodate vehicles.

From the 1980s onwards until 2013, the mountain was ravaged by forest fires until Kachin State Parliament deemed the land environmentally protected. Presently, a number of warnings are place on the side of the highway indicating it is forbidden for hunters to light fires at the base of the mountain.

On 14 August 2014, the Kachin State legislature and Myitkyina Diocese officially signed a memorandum of understanding indicating land ownership rights of Alam Wudang Bum are possessed by the Catholic Diocese of Myitkyina for the purposes of owning and maintaining a green space.(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alam_Udang_Bum)

Tanghpre Our Lady of Lourdes
Date of Establishment: 1953
Address: Tanghpre Village, Tanghpre Parish, Myitkyina, Myanmar

Our Lady of Lourdes is situated in Tanghpre village. Mostly, it was known as "Our Lady of Tanghpre". It was built by Rev. Fr. Bernard Way in 1953. It has been officially recognized as Diocesan shrine. 

Date of Establishment: 1996
Address: Confluence, Tanghpre village, Myitkyina, Kachin State, Myanmar

Mother of Peace was built by Rev. Fr. Paul Lasang La in 1996. It was also known as "Myitsone Lady". It is situated in confluence between the rivers of Mali Hka and N-Mai Hka.
