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"Quaerite primum regnum iustitiam"
"Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness"
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Vatican Vatican News FABC UCA News CBCM CRCM NCMS Yangon Archdiocese Pathein Diocese Mawlamying Diocese Pyay Diocese Mandalay Archdiocese Hakha Diocese Lashio Diocese Banmaw Diocese Kalay Diocese Myitkyina Diocese Taungyi Archdiocese Phakon Diocese Loikaw Diocese Taungngu Diocese Kengtung Diocese
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St. Patrick's Intermediate Seminary

Rev. Fr. Peter Nzang Naw Lawt

addressNo. 129 / G.D. Shatapru, Myitkyina

A Brief History of St. Patrick’s Intermediate Seminary

          After the opening of St. Columban’s Minor Seminary, the students flocked to it to study secular and religious education. St. Columban’s Minor Seminary accepted the students from grade (8) to university. In the Academic Year of 1994 – 1995, there were ninety-six students. It became difficult to accommodate the students because, the seminary was able to provide a suitable accommodation for up to only seventy-five students. In the Academic Year of 1995 – 1996, those who heard and responded to God’s calling reached over one hundred and twenty (120). They needed suitable accommodations as well as higher education according to the demand of the time.

By seeing the sign of time, His Excellency, Bishop Paul Zinghtung Grawng, Bishop Philip Zahawng and the priests decided in their annual meeting to open a new seminary. Rev. Fr. Donald Hkawng Lum was appointed to find a place for a new seminary. The land situated in Shatapru, which was owned by Mr. N-gan Ja Naw and Mrs. Ja Awng, was a suitable place for a new seminary. Therefore, Rev. Fr. Donald Hkawng Lum requested them to offer the land for the establishment of a new seminary. After accepting of his request, the blessing of the land was administered by His Excellency, Bishop Paul Zinghtung Grawng on 9. 2. 1996.

On 14. 5. 1996, Rev. Fr. Donald Hkawng Lum was appointed as the first rector of that seminary. Rev. Fr. Donald Hkawng Lum, together with twenty-two students, started to the new seminary which was known as “St. Patrick’s Pre-Major”. After many years, St. Patrick’s Pre-Major was elevated to be “St. Patrick’s Intermediate Seminary”. Now, it becomes a center for both higher both secular education and formation for priestly vocation.

 Source: The Footprints of the Columban Missionaries, The Guiding Stars, In Kachin Land

Socio Pastoral Formation Centre ( St. Luke's College )

Rev. Fr. Leo Gopal

telephone95-74-22087 , 0977683792
addressEdin, Myitkyina

St. Luke’s College
Socio-Pastoral Formation Center

St. Luke’s College, formerly known as Catechetical school, is situated in Edin, Myitkyina, Kachin State in the Northern part of Upper Myanmar. As a school, it was established in 1939 in Banmaw, to serve the faithful in the diocese of Myitkyina by the Irish Columban Missionaries. They, in its inception, felt the need to reach out to the spiritual needs of the unreached catholic communities. War and displacement during the Second World War was the first major challenge to the Kachins. Kachins were used by the British army as fighting force often giving the hope that when the British leave there would be a Kachin home land.

Second World War hastened the departure of British. Kachins sought equality and signed the historic Pang long agreement. But it collapsed and a chronic civil war ensued which has destroyed the life of thousands and made them Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). The effect was such, even the school was displaced from Banmaw to Tanghpe, and finally it was settled down in the present campus of Edin, Myitkyina. So far, it has trained 780 graduates and 480 are in service in the remote area of their own communities.

Today, especially the college caters to the male and female students of the dioceses of Banmaw, Myitkyina of Kachin State and Lashio and Kengtung of Shan State. At the end of the two years formation, they are prepared to be the real grass root community faith-justice leaders.

Source: https://www.sanluka.org/about-us/who-we-are/


Establish the kingdom of God and proclamation of the good news to the people of Kachin areas, to promote peace, reconciliation, human development and strong faith.


Establish a catechetical institution inspired by the Gospel values and Catholic social teaching, responding to various spiritual and temporal challenges of the Kachin dioceses through updated curriculum that is socio-pastoral in its impact.


Empowering the Catechists (Grass root Faith Community leaders) to be effective socio pastoral animators through quality formation and provision of enabling learning atmosphere.

Source: https://www.sanluka.org/about-us/vision-mission-goal/

Don Bosco Vocational Training School

Rev. Fr. Aung Zaw Win , SDB

addressNan Kwi Village, Nawng Pung, Myitkyina
St. Francis Zavier's Orphanage

Sr. Angela  Hkawn Tawng , SFX (In-Charge)

Rev. Fr. Rafael (Chaplin)

addressPa La Na, Myitkyina
Juniorate of the Sisters of St. Francis Xavier

Sr. Francisca Doi Ling, SFX

telephone95-74-29462 , 0 9400541835
addressSt. Columban's Convent Aungnan Yeiktha, Myitkyina 01011
St.Columban's Minor Seminary

Rev. Fr. John Maran La Sam (Rector)

Bro. Jerome N-ding La Raw (Disciplinarian) 

addressAungnan, Myitkyina, Kachin State, Myanmar

A Brief History of St. Columban’s Minor Seminary

          Before the opening of St. Columban’s Minor Seminary in Myitkyina, those who wanted to become priests were sent for studies in Maymyo Seminary that belongs to Archdiocese of Mandalay, that was from 1953 to 1965. In 1995, Bishop. John Howe (St. Columban Missionary) and all priests in the diocese of Myitkyina decided to establish a diocesan seminary for Myitkyina. The first place Minor Seminary was in the wooden clergy house at St. Columban's Cathedral, Aung Nan. The students increased year by year. Considering the necessity of a new building for the seminary, the foundation was blessed and the constructions started on 3. 4. 1976. In this seminary, the students are trained and provided secular and religious formation. After passing matriculation exam, the students are sent to St. Patrick’s Intermediate Seminary in Shatapru for further Higher Education and Priestly Formation. St. Columban’s Minor Seminary is the heart of Myitkyina Diocese as well as lasting memorial of Columban Missionaries as the Missionary pioneers in Myitkyina. 

Source: The Footprints of the Columban missionaries, The Guiding Stars, In Kachin Land

Important Facts

Date of Opening of Seminary: 1965

Date of blessing of foundation: April 3, 1976

Priests: 67

Alumni: 1130

Silver Jubilee: 21. 10. 2001

Golden Jubilee: 24. 11. 2015

Present Candidates: 33 (2022-2023 Academic Year)

Former Rectors

(1) Rev. Fr. Colm Murphy (1965)

(2) Rev. Fr. Patrick Connealy (1965 -1966)

(3) Rev. Fr. Thomas Nawhkum Lawt Naw (1966-1967)

(4) Rev. Fr. Patrick Madden (1967-1970)

(5) Rev. Fr. Thomas Rillstone (1970-1977)

(6) Rev. Fr. Peter Malang Nawng Maw (1977-1982, 2010-2012)

(7) Rev. Fr. Gregory Naw Din (1982-1984)

(8) Rev. Fr. Raymond Sumlut Gam (1984-1988)

(9) Rev. Fr. Wilfred Myit Soe (1988-1990)

(10) Rev. Fr. Joseph Hkangda Kum Htoi (1990-1993)

(11) Rev. Fr. Leo Gopal (1993-2003, 2007-2010)

(12) Rev. Fr. Michael Lazum Lung Wa (2003-2007)

(13) Rev. Fr. Peter Hka Awng Tu (2012-2014)

(14) Rev. Fr. Peter Zangyaw Hpung (2014-2017)

(15) Rev. Fr. Bosco Nlam Hkun Seng (2017-2018)

(16) Rev. Fr. Joseph Zinghtung La Nu (2018-2021)

(17) Rev. Fr. John Maran La Sam (2021- )