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"Quaerite primum regnum iustitiam"
"Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness"
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Vatican Vatican News FABC UCA News CBCM CRCM NCMS Yangon Archdiocese Pathein Diocese Mawlamying Diocese Pyay Diocese Mandalay Archdiocese Hakha Diocese Lashio Diocese Banmaw Diocese Kalay Diocese Myitkyina Diocese Taungyi Archdiocese Phakon Diocese Loikaw Diocese Taungngu Diocese Kengtung Diocese
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Catholic Student Action Myitkyina (CSAM)
Director or Coodinator

Rev. Fr. Kurt Zion Pala, SSC

(Spiritual Director)

email csamyitkyina2022@gmail.com
telephone +959402002125, +959250916720
address St. Patrick's Catholic Church, Shatapru, Myitkyina, Kachin State, Myanmar

The Catholic Student Action Myitkyina is a movement by, for and with Catholic students in the Diocese of Myitkyina. It is a pastoral ministry to students within the diocese under the Diocesan Youth Commission (DYC).


New Interim CSAM Main Committee (2021-2022)

President:  Philip Hka Naw Seng

Vice President:  Mary Nhkum Htu Ja

Secretary:  Paul Sut Jat Naw

Accountant:  Paul Mung Ja Naw

Cashier:  Rose Mary Seng Nu Nu Pan

Center For Learning Alternatives For Youth (Clay)
Director or Coodinator

Mr. Pan Awng (Director)

Ms. Seng Pan (Program Coordinator)

email clayalternatives@gmail.com
telephone 094760370; 0947603708 (Ms. Seng Pan)
address Pa La Na, Myitkyina, Kachin State, Myanmar
Hope Center
Director or Coodinator

FMM Sisters

email -
telephone +957420807, 096401008
address No. 666, Ja Mai Kawng, Myitkyina, Kachin State, Myanmar

Hope Center


A Home Where Living With HIV/AIDS are welcomed, listened to and cared for with dignity and compassion.

Mission Statement

We are committed to provide quality care and support for poor people affected by HIV/AIDS in Myitkyina Diocese and to empover the local community to deal with the very serious AIDS epidemic with compassion and dedication.


Rebirth Rehabilitation Center (or) Part NNan Gawgap Ginra
Director or Coodinator

Sr. Theresa Ja Nan (INCHARGE)

Rev. Fr. Eamon Sheridan (Chaplian & Counsellor)

email rebirthcenter58@gmail.com
telephone 09252547503
address Kyetpaung Chan, Myitkyina, Kachin State, Myanmar

Rebirth Rehabilitation Center (or) Prat NNan Gawgap Ginra

The Catholic Diocese of Myitkyina had established Rebirth Rehabilitation Center (RRC) or (Prat NNan Gawgap Ginra in Kachin dialect) in response to the drug addiction epidemic in Kachin State in 2015. The goal of Rebirth Rehabilitation Center (RRC) is that the addicts may continue their journey as a person who has given up drugs and alcohol, to live a quality life, and well integrated into the family and the community.

RRC offers two programs: (1) “New Client Program” is an initial 3-month program of recovery; and (2) the “After Client Program” is meant for those who have recovered (https://www.rvasia.org/church-asia/female-rehabilitation-centre-drug-addicts-opened-myanmar-diocese). Moreover, a holistic and client centered approach that treats the physical, spiritual and mental nature of the disease is given to the clients. The 12-step spirituality of Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous is provided for the clients by following the example of Catholic Social Teachings. This 12-step program is a spiritual program aimed at helping the addicted person to embrace a new way of living (https://www.columban.org.nz/media-and-publications/articles/features/2021/building-resumes-on-the-women%E2%80%99s-addiction-recovery-centre-in-myitkyina-in-myanmar).  

A new building for female drug addicts was inaugurated on January 12, 2022.

New Building for female

The drug addicts are treated regardless of race or ethnicity, gender and religion. The requirement and application form for those who want to be free of drug and alcohol use are released in “Prat Nnan and Prat NNan Gawgap Ginra” (facebook accounts). The news about RRC is also uploaded in these facebook accounts. The official email contact is “rebirthcenter58@gmail.com” and official phone number is “09252547503”. At present, the administration of RRC is guided and run by Sr. Theresa Ja Nan, SND, incharge of RRC; Rev. Fr. Eamon Sheridan, a spiritual director; staffs and volunteers.


Religious Association of Myitkyina (RAM)
Director or Coodinator

Sr. John Paul Bawm Win, SFX

email -
telephone 09400040031
address Diocesan Center, Myitkyina, Kachin State, Myanmar