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"Quaerite primum regnum iustitiam"
"Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness"
Myitkyina Catholic Diocese
Myanmar English
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Vatican Vatican News FABC UCA News CBCM CRCM NCMS Yangon Archdiocese Pathein Diocese Mawlamying Diocese Pyay Diocese Mandalay Archdiocese Hakha Diocese Lashio Diocese Banmaw Diocese Kalay Diocese Myitkyina Diocese Taungyi Archdiocese Phakon Diocese Loikaw Diocese Taungngu Diocese Kengtung Diocese
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putao Zone Parishes
All Parishes
St. Columban's Cathedral ( Aungnan Yeikta , Myitkyina ) St. Patrick's Church ( Shatapru Parish, Myitkyina Zone) Our Lady, Queen of Heaven Church (Tanghpre - confluence Parish, Myitkyina Zone) St. Paul's Church ( Shadau Parish, Myitkyina Zone) St. Patrick's Church (Mohnyin Parish) St. Peter's Church ( Mogaung Parish, Mohnyin Zone) Holy Family Church ( Kamiang Parih - Mohnyin Zone) St. Joseph's Church ( Padamyaa Gon, Katha Parish , Mohnyin Zone) St. Anthony's Church ( Kawng Kahtawng Parish - Putao Zone) St. Patrick's Chruch ( Durip Parish - Putao Zone ) St. Patrick's Church ( Sumpra Bum Parish , Putao Zone ) St. Paul's Catholic Church ( Hting Nan Parish - Putao Zone ) St. Joseph's Church ( Lungsha Yang Parish - Putao Zone ) St. Patrick's Church (Danai or Tanai Parish) St. Paul's Church ( Lawa Parish, Tanai Zone) St. Patrick's Church (Shingbwi Yang Parish , Tanai Zone) St. Columban's Church ( Zi Phyu Gon, Kham Ti Parish - Tanai Zone) St. Patrick's Church ( Ngapyaw Taw, Hpakan Parish, Tanai Zone) St. Joseph's Church (Waingmaw Parish) St. Joseph's Church (Kachyi Htu Parish, Waingmaw Zone) St. Thomas' Church ( Chipwi Parish, Waingmaw Zone) St. Paul's Church ( Namsan Yang Parish, Waingmaw Zone) St. Peter's Church ( Alam Parish, Myitkyina Zone ) St. Patrick's Church ( In-jang Yang Parish , Myitkyina Zone ) St. Mary's Church ( Pang Sau Parish, Tanai Zone) St. Patrick's Church (Lawng Hkang Parish, Tanai Zone) St. Paul's Church (Namti Parish, Mohnyin Zone) St. Michael's Church (St. Michael or Myo Thit Gyi Parish, Myitkyina) St. Joseph's Church (Pa La Na Parish, Myitkyina Zone) St. Paul's Church (N-Jang Dung Parish) St. Luke's Church (Edin Parish, Myitkyina Zone) St. Luke Church (Zang Yaw Parish, Putao Zone)